Tuesday, May 22, 2012

GLEE Season 3 Finale Twitter Party!

Anddddd season 3 is coming to a close with its final episode airing tonight. It has been quite the ride these past 3 years, the smiles, the laughs, the tears. I've met the most incredible people along the way and for that, I will be forever grateful.  So tonight, just like what happens during graduation, we will celebrate the end of three FABULOUS seasons, look back & share some of our favourite glee memories and then together, look forward to a new season...no matter how different it will be.

SO throughout the day, share with your fellow gleeks your favourite glee memories. Share with us your favourite songs done on glee, glee quotes and of course tell us why you love glee so much & how it has changed your life. Then tonight, I hope you'll join me in a Glee Twitter Party & live tweet our comments about the season 3 finale (at 9PM tonight on Global!). West Coasters, keep tweeting it up! I want to also hear what you think!
Use the hashtag: #S3GLEEFinale and/ tweet me @gleekscanada all day with your glee memories & as well with your comments about the finale so we can all keep up!

And of course, it's never a party without some goodies right? I still have a couple of glee swag (bracelets & charms) to give away! So get tweeting & I will pick out winners tomorrow morning :)

Thank you to all of you for all your lovely comments and inputs thus far! You are all so amazing! I have nothing but love for all you. Can't wait to hear your glee memories!


Monday, December 5, 2011

Get ready, Get set... GIVEAWAY :)

I'm so feeling the Christmas spirit here in Toronto & want to share it with you all.
So what's better to celebrate the holiday season than a teeny Glee giveaway?

What do I need to do you might ask? Well it's super easy! Two steps:

1) Tell me your favourite song of season 3 OR a song you want them to cover!
Super easy right?! 

I'm excited to hear your answers!

Cheers! xo

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

GLEE Accessories Giveaway :)

I've been meaning to do a giveaway for awhile to say thank you tons for following, but I just kept forgetting!
So when i found these cute glee accessories, I knew i had to do one today or I would forget. 

So seeing there are a bunch of you that might want these, I've decided to give them out seperately.
I have three things I'm giving away.

Item # 1: I love FINN pin

Item # 2: I love PUCK pin

Item # 3: Glee cell phone charm

So how do you get your hands on one of these items? Well it's super easy!

1) via THIS BLOG
Comment in the box below (or if you're on the homepage, press the link at the bottom of the post that says comment) and tell me which item you want (yes please pick just one), along with the name of your favourite character.

2) via TWITTER
Follow me at @gleekscanada. 
Tell me the name of your favourite character and which item you want (pick only one please).
And spread the word! RT RT RT :)

1) I'm making this giveaway only for those in Canada and the U.S (Sorry other international followers!)
2) I'm picking the 3 winners on Monday, July 4th 2011. So get commenting or retweeting by Sunday July 3rd 2011!

I really want to know why you love the show, so tell me! 


Monday, June 13, 2011

Coming Soon!

Sorry everyone for no updates the last few months.
We're going to change some things, so please be patient.
We will be updating soon with new pictures/videos from Glee Live in Toronto on June 11 and 12, 2011.

Thank you!


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


That's right everyone, the Glee Cast will be making their way around the United States this summer for their Glee Live Tour! And to top of the excitement, the cast will be making a stop this year in Toronto!!!!
Mark your calendars my friends: June 11, 2011. They'll be performing LIVE in the Air Canada Centre!

Check out the full list of shows!
Tickets go on sale next week!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ocean Pacific

Check out the new faces of Ocean Pacific!
Included in the team, Glee's Mark Salling & Chord Overstreet!


 Here are just some of the TCA Panel pictures!